Habitats of rape honey
Rape is grown all over Hungary and most effectively in the southern and western counties of the Transdanubian Region. 60 to 72% of beekeepers carry their hives on rape fields in this region, while nationally the same number is only 32%. Oil rape is planted on over 30,000 acres, but its significance is likely to grow due to biodiesel production. Honey production per acre is between 100 and 200 kilograms. Rape is the first significant nectar-producing blossom in the spring, and it is also a beautiful sight with its huge fields of bright yellow flowers. The glucose content of rape honey is one of the highest of all honey types. Due to this quality it crystalizes quite fast but finely, and thus becomes like cream within a few days. Therefore it is also called cream-honey. Its colour varies from cream to light yellow. It is very sweet with a scent reminscent of the blossoming rape field.
The effects of rape honey
Rape honey is extremely valuable and effective, since it can be consumed directly after filtering, and all its ingredients are absorbed into our bodies without any impairment. Its main quality is its low acid content, therefore it is highly recommended for consumers with over-acidity of their stomach. It also strengthens and disinfects the body, decreases inflammations, and is recommended for anaemia due to its high iron content. It is also popularly mixed in tea or coffee, because its mild flavour does not change the original aroma of these drinks. Rape pollen and honey is also most nurishing for bees, their growth and improvement is saltatory and significant with it. Consumers appreciate rape honey because of its relatively low price, but for the same reason it is often added to mixed honey.